Monday, February 17, 2014

Adam Sandler Visits Georgia Water Park While Filming New Romantic Comedy, “Blended”

Adam Sandler was seen at the water park Lanier World with his two daughters while they were in the area filming his upcoming movie co-starring Drew Barrymore.
by Rebeka Garcia

We were near the front of the line for the lazy river ride at Lanier World, the water park on Lake Lanier in Gainesville, Ga., when it happened. At least thats what Im told. Since Im not very observant, I had to rely on my friends many retelling to get the details. The family getting ready to be sent down the slide took longer than usual, and this flustered the lifeguard. She kept glancing over her shoulder at us. When the two little girls finally went down, their father turned to make his way back down the stairs. He wore sunglasses and a baseball cap pulled low over his eyes, and he walked with his face down to avoid being noticed. It didnt work. My friend standing in front of me whipped around, her mouth hung open. She kept nodding frantically toward the man in the baseball cap.
Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod, she mouthed over and over, eyes wide.
I looked again. I didnt recognize him until the very second he walked past me and out of sight. There, in the T-shirt, cargo shorts and flip-flops he so often wears in films, was Adam Sandler.
My friends swear he said hey to us as he walked by, but I didnt hear it myself. We watched him walk away, seeing our own incredulous expressions mirrored in the faces of the few people down the line who also recognized him. When we finally got to the front of the line, the lifeguard was still rattled. She assured us that we hadnt imagined it, that really had been Adam Sandler. When we reached the bottom of the slide, the other lifeguards were similarly star-stricken.
We got our towels and walked out to the parking lot, still babbling about our celebrity spotting. We climbed into the car, our chlorine-sticky legs clinging to the leather seats, hair dripping down our backs, and all immediately reached for our phones. Facebook, Twitter, phone calls to parents. We couldnt stop talking about it all day.
Why was Sandler at Lanier World?

After a little research we discovered that Sandler and co-star Drew Barrymore  were in Gainesville to film Blended, a movie to be released in 2014. While most of the filming for the movie took place in South Africa, many scenes were shot in northeast Georgia. A lifeguard told us that Sandler had brought his daughters to the park on his day off.

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